Everything you need to know about the natural filtration pool

A swim in this pool of chemically untreated water has the same effect as a swim in a river or mountain lake. A feeling of wellbeing and freedom overcomes you.

Discover the principles and operation of the natural filtration pool.


The filtration principle of a natural pool

The filtration system of the ecological swimming pool does not require any chemical products. The biotope ecosystem is composed of different elements such as substrates, micro-organisms and aquatic plants allowing themineral and vegetable purification of the pool.

The BIO&POOL by BIOTEICH® natural filtration pool consists of a minimum of 2 spaces:

  • A bathing area ;
  • A filtration area.

A third optional zone is the regeneration or bank zone. It optimises landscape integration, especially for pools with an organic design.

Aquatic plants are an integral part of the ecosystem of a natural pool. They contribute to the balance of the biotope.

The flora of the natural pool is chosen from a plant palette according to their intrinsic quality and the geographical location of the project. Flora plants can be integrated under certain conditions. Thus, you can enjoy the beauty of these aquatic plants throughout the seasons.

How does a natural filtration pool work?

Naturally filtered pools do not require the addition of chemicals. The balance of the pool is ensured by the permanent water cycle.

The water in the pool is constantly in motion, circulating through the different areas of the pool. Water filtration techniques are based on scientific data. Each zone of the naturally filtered pool has specific functions.

The natural swimming pool as well as the bathing and filtration area are mainly dimensioned according to the customer's wishes, the number of visitors and the geographical location. Just like traditional pools, swimming pools are composed of :

  • A bottom drain,
  • of discharge nozzles,
  • of a broom socket,
  • underwater lighting,
  • surface skimming (skimmers or overflow) to remove floating objects such as dead leaves,
  • as well as a heating system (PAC: heat pump),
  • a hydromassage system,
  • etc.

The filtration area is the most important element of a natural filtration pool. It contains mainly substrates and plants. This biofilter purifies the water. The water of the natural pool will come out of this pool crystal clear.

The regeneration zone is often called the oxygenation zone. It optimises the aesthetic appearance of the organically designed pools. The regeneration zone is often referred to as the oxygenation zone, which enhances the aesthetic appearance of organic pools and creates a bucolic atmosphere in your natural pool, especially with the lapping of the water. This mineral zone promotes ecological niches. In addition, it absorbs heat and thus warms up the water of the natural swimming pool.

The natural pool is in perfect harmony with the environment.

The different stages of filtration of a natural swimming pool

The filtration of a natural pond goes through several stages. The filtration cycle is continuous and allows the life rhythm of the created ecosystem to be respected.

Reproducing the regenerative effect of a natural water body, the filtration system allows for ecological water recycling. This is achieved through self-purification at the physical, biological and bacteriological levels.

Your natural swimming pool operates in a closed circuit. Environmentally friendly, the natural swimming pool is based on two water circuits to save energy while maintaining optimal operation.

The aim is to ensure the sustainability of the natural pool filtration system with an ecological foundation. The plants flourish without the use of an arsenal of horticultural techniques and without chemicals. The water in the natural swimming pool remains clear and the pools clean without powerful filtering and biocides.

In order to ensure the sustainability and reliability of the projects, the aquatic ecosystems are strongly inspired by the local environment, where man is an actor in the evolution of the system.

The Natural Bathing System® always consists of a bathing pool and a planted filter, to which it is possible to add a submerged beach area with or without plants. The water is kept in motion by hydraulic circuits.

The water, thus purified and oxygenated, returns to the bathing pool with a physico-chemical and bacteriological quality that complies in every respect with the decree and the order. (Decree No. 20109-299 of 10 April 2019 on the health safety of artificial bathing areas NOR SSAP1811715D and Order of 15 April 2019 on the water quality analysis programme and the quality limits and references for artificial bathing areas NOR SSAP1901373A).

Thanks to the various filtration stages of a natural swimming pool, the water quality complies with the health regulations of a natural bathing area.

The price of the natural filtration pool

The cost of the natural swimming pool is inherent to the project which you will set up for your basin. For the construction of a natural pool or the renovation of a traditional pool, the price of the natural pool depends on several criteria:

  • The surface of the ecological pool ;
  • The materials used ;
  • Accessories: heat pump (PAC), counter-current swimming (NAC), massage jets, etc.
  • Access ;
  • The pool house ;
  • Sauna;
  • The surrounding area;
  • Access to the pool ;
  • etc.

These are all points to consider when you want to build a natural swimming pool. Each natural swimming pool project is unique.

For a new pool or to transform your traditional pool into a natural swimming pool, turn to the natural filtration pool.
